Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shiner Bock (Spoetzl Brewery)


Appearance - 10

Shiner Bock is a copper brown hued brew.  It is clear, and when held to the light almost glows ruby brown color.  I think it is a pretty beer.  But, the head is weak.  Shiner has a thin off-white colored head that dissipates quickly.  It leaves behind some lacing as you drink, but the lacing doesn't last long and isn't very strong.  Shiner loses some points for the low quality head, but otherwise it is what a bock should be.

Aroma - 8

There isn't much here, but what is here is nice.  The aroma is slightly sweet, with malts and muted caramel.  That's about all there is to it.  It is about average in this category.

Taste - 34

Shiner Bock is slightly sweet and slightly malty, like a traditional bock should be.  There are not any noticeable hops as you drink, which is again something you want in a traditional bock beer.  However Shiner Bock does not provide the richness and toastiness that you want from your bocks.  It also has a bit more carbonation than traditional bock beers.  The aftertaste is good.  It is slightly sweet, but not overpowering.  Overall, Shiner Bock is nice, tastes good, and I like it, but does not provide all of what you want in a Bock beer.

Drinkablility - 9

Shiner Bock is very drinkable.  The things that detract from the true "bock" flavors, the lack or richness and toastiness, actually add to this beers drinkability.  Maybe this is because Shiner Bock is brewed in Texas and made to drink in the hot son.  The higher carbonation adds to the refreshing nature of Shiner Bock.  The only slight deduction is from the slightly too sweet aftertaste which seems to get stronger as you drink.

Hip-Hop - 8

Shiner Bock is cool.  It is a great beer to take while you are enjoying a Memorial Day in the sun.  It is not hard to find, it is pretty much everywhere.  It is available in glass and cans (which are easily recycled) in case you want to take it with you to enjoy on the river.

Total Score - 69

Website: Shiner Bock (Spoetzl Brewery)

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