Thursday, September 6, 2012

Glissade Golden Bock (Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.)

Appearance - 12

Glissade Golden Bock has a pretty color that is somewhere between a honey and a golden amber.  It's color is what I want from a maibock or helles bock beer.  It pours smooth and leaves a rich head white head.  However, I thought the head dissipated a little quicker than I expected and did not leave great lacing. 

Aroma - 6

There is a smell of malt, like you would want, but the malt aroma seemed lighter than you would expect even from a maibock or helles bock beer.  The malt almost had the smell of a pilsner.  The hops were very floral for a bock, but similar to what is typical at Sierra Nevada.  I also pick up a hint of citrus, which I am not a fan of in this style of beer.  The aroma of Glissade Golden Bock is not bad, its just not what I want from a maibock beer.

Taste - 43

The flavor is complex yet subtle. After the disappointment of the aroma, I was pleasantly surprised by the taste of Glissade Golden Bock.  The slightly sweet malt flavor is what you want from a maibock beer, with slight hints of honey and some toastiness.  There are also some great earthy and floral hops that add just enough bitterness, more than most bocks, to knock some sweetness away from the beer.  They also seem to help Glissade finish very clean.  A littler less sweet and a few more hops than most bocks, the taste of this beer fits nicely in the maibock or helles bock category.

Drinkablility - 7

Glissade Golden Bock is pretty drinkable.  The clean finish is very nice and makes the beer very drinkable.  It may be a little hoppier than most bocks, but hey, that's a maibock in my opinion.  The aroma does actually detract some from the drinkability of this beer though, in my opinion.  But overall, very drinkable.

Hip-Hop - 7

Above average in the cool factor here.  It is available in, and should be enjoyed, in the Winter.  And most of all, there is a cool picture of a goat overlooking valley on the label.

Total Score -75

Website: Glissade Golden Bock (Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.)

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