Tuesday, September 25, 2012

White Water Wheat (Grand Canyon Brewing Company)

Appearance - 14

Grand Canyon White Water Wheat is yellowish honey color.  It is full of cloudy and opaque, like a wheat beer typically is.  It pours with a large thin white head, that has decent staying power.  Lacing is left in the glass as you drink, but not a lot.  Overall, I think this beer is very pretty and what I want from a American Style Wheat Beer.

Aroma - 8

The beer is pretty average in the aroma category.  Not a lot stands out, but nothing repulses you either.  There are hints of grass and hay, and a few very faint hops, but that is about it.

Taste - 35

White Water Wheat does not have a lot of flavor.  There is not much spice or added flavors that I pick up on.  Typical modern American Wheat beers tend to have a bunch of added spice and citrus, but this beer doesn't.  A lot of people may disagree with me, but I find that refreshing and good.  There is a hint of wheat as you drink the beer, followed by some very mild hops, but that is about it.  I like the taste, but it is not everything that is desired from an American Style Wheat beer.

Drinkablility - 8

White Water Wheat is very drinkable, especially compared to other American Style Wheat Beers.  Although I love hops, and this beer lacks that bitterness, most Wheat Beers don't want too many hops.  The mild flavors and tones of White Water Wheat make this beer very drinkable.

Hip-Hop - 7

Pretty cool beer, as anything from the Grand Canyon would be.  The availability of cans makes it even better because of the ability to take the beer on the river and have easily recyclable containers.

Total Score - 72

Website: White Water Wheat (Grand Canyon Brewing Company)

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