Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fix 1864 Spezial (Lion Brewery)

Appearance - 7

It pours a pretty, but boring yellow gold color.  Very clear brew, Fix 1864 Spezial has no opaqueness to it.  Much like any American Style Lager.  The head is thin, dissipates quickly, and leaves almost no lacing.  Pretty boring and common in appearance.

Aroma - 7

Again, much like the look, this beer is pretty typical in the aroma section.  There is a hint of sweetness when you fist nose the beer, but other than that it is pretty bland, even for a lager.  Nothing special, but nothing terrible.  Just a little less than average.

Taste - 25

I thought the taste of Fix 1864 Spezial was average for this style of beer.  Nothing great, but nothing terrible. Just right in the middle.  Similar to many lagers, the flavor was decent while cold, but as the glass and beer warmed a bit, the flavor went downhill.  There were no flavors that really stood out.  I was able to make out a hint of corn and some grassy hop flavors, but not much.  There really was no aftertaste.  What you first put in your mouth is what you get.  Just a middle of the road Lager.

Drinablility - 7

There wasn't much to this beer, and there really wasn't much to drink it either.  Drinking was pretty easy, no strong aftertaste, no pungent odor to clog you nose.  But it wasn't great either.  Nothing I would rush out to get.  So the drinkability was a little above average.

Hip-Hop - 5

Well they pretend to be cool by claiming to be a Greek Lager (and I guess it is a Greek recipe.)  However, the beer is brewed here in America, and tastes like any other American Lager.  It is still would look a little better walking around with this than a Budwiser or something, so...average in the Hip-Hop category.

Total Score - 51

Website: Fix 1864 Spezial (Lion Brewery)

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