Tuesday, September 25, 2012

White Water Wheat (Grand Canyon Brewing Company)

Appearance - 14

Grand Canyon White Water Wheat is yellowish honey color.  It is full of cloudy and opaque, like a wheat beer typically is.  It pours with a large thin white head, that has decent staying power.  Lacing is left in the glass as you drink, but not a lot.  Overall, I think this beer is very pretty and what I want from a American Style Wheat Beer.

Aroma - 8

The beer is pretty average in the aroma category.  Not a lot stands out, but nothing repulses you either.  There are hints of grass and hay, and a few very faint hops, but that is about it.

Taste - 35

White Water Wheat does not have a lot of flavor.  There is not much spice or added flavors that I pick up on.  Typical modern American Wheat beers tend to have a bunch of added spice and citrus, but this beer doesn't.  A lot of people may disagree with me, but I find that refreshing and good.  There is a hint of wheat as you drink the beer, followed by some very mild hops, but that is about it.  I like the taste, but it is not everything that is desired from an American Style Wheat beer.

Drinkablility - 8

White Water Wheat is very drinkable, especially compared to other American Style Wheat Beers.  Although I love hops, and this beer lacks that bitterness, most Wheat Beers don't want too many hops.  The mild flavors and tones of White Water Wheat make this beer very drinkable.

Hip-Hop - 7

Pretty cool beer, as anything from the Grand Canyon would be.  The availability of cans makes it even better because of the ability to take the beer on the river and have easily recyclable containers.

Total Score - 72

Website: White Water Wheat (Grand Canyon Brewing Company)

Friday, September 7, 2012

UFO Hefeweizen (Harpoon Brewery)

Appearance - 13

UFO Hefeweizen is a nice bright yellow color.  It is full of little floaties of yeast and cloudy from the wheat proteins, that seems to help the beer glow when you hold it up to the light.  It pours with a large white head, that fizzles out quickly.  Not much lacing is left in the glass as you drink, and a few points are lost for this.  But overall, I think this beer is very pretty and what I want from a hefeweizen.

Aroma - 12

There is a hint of lemon in the aroma, but not much other spice compared to other hefeweizens that I have had recently, and I like this about UFO.  The aroma is slightly sweet, but definitely not an over powering sweetness.  I don't pick up on much of the wheat for some reason, but I like it.

Taste - 47

The flavor of UFO is almost perfect for a hefeweizen, in my opinion.  The beer is not overly sweet or overly hoppy.  There is a hint of crisp lemon, just as in the aroma, but not too much to overpower the beer.  It is very clean tasting, without much spice.  You taste the beer slightly accented by the small amount of lemon, without all the spice that many hefeweizens are now adding.  There is no lingering or strong aftertaste, the beer finishes very clean.  I really like it.  UFO hefeweizen tastes like a hefeweizen should.

Drinkablility - 8

UFO is fairly drinkable; easier to drink than most other hefeweizens I have had recently.  It is a very refreshing summer beer, and the hint of lemon actually helps clean up the taste some adding to its drinkability.    Not perfect here, but very good.  A great beer to enjoy on a warm late Summer evening, but probably not something you would want to drink out on the river.

Hip-Hop - 7

There aren't many beer with a better name, so it scores high here.  I do think that the label could be a little better for a beer with such a great name.

Total Score - 87

Website: UFO Hefeweizen (Harpoon Brewery)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Glissade Golden Bock (Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.)

Appearance - 12

Glissade Golden Bock has a pretty color that is somewhere between a honey and a golden amber.  It's color is what I want from a maibock or helles bock beer.  It pours smooth and leaves a rich head white head.  However, I thought the head dissipated a little quicker than I expected and did not leave great lacing. 

Aroma - 6

There is a smell of malt, like you would want, but the malt aroma seemed lighter than you would expect even from a maibock or helles bock beer.  The malt almost had the smell of a pilsner.  The hops were very floral for a bock, but similar to what is typical at Sierra Nevada.  I also pick up a hint of citrus, which I am not a fan of in this style of beer.  The aroma of Glissade Golden Bock is not bad, its just not what I want from a maibock beer.

Taste - 43

The flavor is complex yet subtle. After the disappointment of the aroma, I was pleasantly surprised by the taste of Glissade Golden Bock.  The slightly sweet malt flavor is what you want from a maibock beer, with slight hints of honey and some toastiness.  There are also some great earthy and floral hops that add just enough bitterness, more than most bocks, to knock some sweetness away from the beer.  They also seem to help Glissade finish very clean.  A littler less sweet and a few more hops than most bocks, the taste of this beer fits nicely in the maibock or helles bock category.

Drinkablility - 7

Glissade Golden Bock is pretty drinkable.  The clean finish is very nice and makes the beer very drinkable.  It may be a little hoppier than most bocks, but hey, that's a maibock in my opinion.  The aroma does actually detract some from the drinkability of this beer though, in my opinion.  But overall, very drinkable.

Hip-Hop - 7

Above average in the cool factor here.  It is available in, and should be enjoyed, in the Winter.  And most of all, there is a cool picture of a goat overlooking valley on the label.

Total Score -75

Website: Glissade Golden Bock (Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Old Brewery Pale Ale (Samuel Smith's Old Brewery)

Appearance - 14

Old Brewery Pale Ale pours a reddish brown copper color, with a hint of cloudiness.  It is an English Pale Ale, which typically are a little darker than American Pale Ale's.  It is  very pretty beer.  It is unfortunate that you can't tell from the picture, but Samuel Smith's Old Brewery Pale Ale comes with a great thick and creamy head.  The head leaves a decent lacing of a few rings.

Aroma - 14

The aroma of Old Brewery Pale Ale is very...British countryside.  The aroma is a pleasant blend of a complex bunch of aromas.  You first notice the floral tones, and then some fruitiness.  There are definite grassy tones with a nice amount of earthy hops.  There is even a slight toastiness to the smell.  It is nice, and deep, but not overwhelming.

Taste - 46

The malt of Old Brewery Pale Ale definitely stands out, which is to be expected with an English Pale Ale.  Caramel and a hint of toffee are present.  English hops are present and bring some floral and bitterness that you want in a Pale Ale.  The bitterness is not overwhelming and the beer finishes with a slightly sweet.  The complexity of the aroma was equaled in the depth of the taste, yet nothing was overpowering.  Making it a very balanced and flavorful Pale Ale.  This is one of the better English Pale Ales I have had.

Drinkablility - 7

Old Brewery Pale Ale is above average in drinkability.  There is a filling feeling as you drink the beer, which is nice and slows you down, but also just makes it a little less drinkable for the typical American beer drinker (not that you want to English Pale Ales to poor down like water though.)  The sweet aftertaste also detracts some from the drinkability, however this beer is in no way harsh and drinks very smooth.

Hip-Hop - 10

This a cool beer. The brewery was established in 1758, and is still independently owned today.  The water for this beer is still drawn from the exact same well as the first beer brewed at the Old Brewery.  Samuel Smith's Old Brewery also still sticks with the tradition of delivering the beer locally, five days a week, with a small team of Shire Horses.  I love history and tradition!

Total Score - 91

Website: Old Brewery Pale Ale (Samuel Smith's Old Brewery)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shiner Bock (Spoetzl Brewery)


Appearance - 10

Shiner Bock is a copper brown hued brew.  It is clear, and when held to the light almost glows ruby brown color.  I think it is a pretty beer.  But, the head is weak.  Shiner has a thin off-white colored head that dissipates quickly.  It leaves behind some lacing as you drink, but the lacing doesn't last long and isn't very strong.  Shiner loses some points for the low quality head, but otherwise it is what a bock should be.

Aroma - 8

There isn't much here, but what is here is nice.  The aroma is slightly sweet, with malts and muted caramel.  That's about all there is to it.  It is about average in this category.

Taste - 34

Shiner Bock is slightly sweet and slightly malty, like a traditional bock should be.  There are not any noticeable hops as you drink, which is again something you want in a traditional bock beer.  However Shiner Bock does not provide the richness and toastiness that you want from your bocks.  It also has a bit more carbonation than traditional bock beers.  The aftertaste is good.  It is slightly sweet, but not overpowering.  Overall, Shiner Bock is nice, tastes good, and I like it, but does not provide all of what you want in a Bock beer.

Drinkablility - 9

Shiner Bock is very drinkable.  The things that detract from the true "bock" flavors, the lack or richness and toastiness, actually add to this beers drinkability.  Maybe this is because Shiner Bock is brewed in Texas and made to drink in the hot son.  The higher carbonation adds to the refreshing nature of Shiner Bock.  The only slight deduction is from the slightly too sweet aftertaste which seems to get stronger as you drink.

Hip-Hop - 8

Shiner Bock is cool.  It is a great beer to take while you are enjoying a Memorial Day in the sun.  It is not hard to find, it is pretty much everywhere.  It is available in glass and cans (which are easily recycled) in case you want to take it with you to enjoy on the river.

Total Score - 69

Website: Shiner Bock (Spoetzl Brewery)