Sunday, October 7, 2012

Black Iron IPA (The Grand Canyon Brewing Co.)

Appearance - 13

Black Iron IPA pours hazy orange color.  The off white head pours thick, and remains for a while, leaving good lacing as you drink the beer.

Aroma - 7

The aroma of Black Iron IPA is a little boring.  There are some hints of orange peel that stand out against the mostly bland smell.  You can make out some slight sweetness form the malt,  and some, but not many, mild hops that you would typically want from an American style IPA.

Taste - 35

The taste was definitely better that the aroma.  The hints of orange hit the back of your tongue before any other flavors, but almost instantly after that, there is a rush of hops that covers up the orange.  You next taste the malt which is sweet for an IPA, but not bad.  Followed by another hint of hop as you swallow, leaving a slightly bitter aftertaste.  Its not a perfect IPA, but it is pretty good.

Drinkablility - 8

Black Iron IPA is very drinkable for a IPA.  It is refreshing, with the hint of orange and the mild hops, and would make a nice summer riverside evening beer.  It has a relatively high ABV (7.3%), so be careful as you drink.  It will sneak up on you

Hip-Hop - 8

It comes in a can, which means it is recycleable and drinkable on the river.  That always adds a few points in my book.  I have always had a fascination with trains and the West, and a beer that combines both of those is pretty cool in my book.

Total Score - 71

Website: Black Iron IPA (Grand Canyon Brewing Co.)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Shiner Prickly Pear Lager (Spotzl Brewery)

Note - I really have no idea what type of beer I should be comparing this to.  It is in a class of its own, so keep that in mind as you read this review.

Appearance - 14

Shiner's Prickly Pear Lager pours well and looks great.  It is a dark reddish brown color, yet crystal clear at the same time.  A short but thick off white head tops off the beer, and lingers for a while leaving some interesting, and good, lacing for a lager in my opinion.  I kinda like the looks of this.

Aroma - 7

I am not a huge fan of the aroma here.  It smells super sweet, not like a beer, but not at all like a cider.  Strange.  It not pungent, it doesn't stink, it just doesn't smell like beer.  When you dig beyond the sweetness, you do pick up a little bit of dried grass, that I think might be some type of hops, or maybe even part of the mash, but really...I am not sure.  Maybe this is what it would smell like if you brewed yourself a nice barrel of mixed berry Cool-Aid in the hay barn.

Taste - 40

After looking at the beer I was excited to try it, after smelling it, I was afraid.  When I did take a swig, the first thought that came to my mind was, "dam, this stuff is actually pretty good."  The beer was sweet at first, sorta...its hard to explain.  You taste is a hint of berry, some caramel, and prickly pear (if you have tasted prickly pear juice, then you know what I mean.)  But its not really sweet.  I guess they added enough hops to knock down the sweetness without really showing the hops.  Its good.


Drinkablility - 10

This may be one of the easiest drinking beers that I have ever had.  It goes down smooth...almost too easy.  its refreshing and not overwhelming, its light but flavorful.


Hip-Hop - 9

Pretty cool stuff.  This is the first beer I have had with prickly pear in it.  First I have ever heard of in fact.  Its pretty cool, pretty Texas if you are into that.  The only thing is that some people might think your drinking a girly drink when they smell it.  You will just have to re-assure them that its not, without letting them try it, because it is only available in this year's family reunion packs, so you most likely won't even have enough for yourself!

Total Score - 80

Website: Shiner (Spotzl Brewery)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Camper IPA (Santa Fe Brewing Company)

Appearance - 13

The beer poured nice.  There was a good thick lingering head that leaves some, but not much, lacing.  The color is an amber honey and the beer is very clear, but kinda bland and boring.

Aroma - 12

Nice, but not perfect for an IPA.  The first tone I picked up on was some pine.  Like the smell of Ponderosa Pines in a high arid desert.  Hops were also very evident, as expected with an IPA.  I think they were actually just piney smelling hops, but floral scents where also there too.  Nice. But unlike many American India Pale Ales (especially from the Western US), the was more malt aroma than usual.  More like an English IPA.

Taste - 42

The taste of Happy Camper IPA was almost exactly like the aroma.  You definitely taste the piney hops and pick up on the floral tones.  But there are some more layers here.  You pick up on the malt more than most American IPAs.  There is also a slight lemon citrus taste that cleans up the finish.  It kind of knocks down overwhelming aftertaste that many India Pale Ales have.


Drinkablility - 8

Happy Camper IPA is more "drinkable" than many other IPAs.  The slight hints of the malt and the limited amounts of citrus help the beer to drink easier, but it is still an IPA.  It also seems to have a little bit higher alcohol by volume than other IPAs, so be careful!


Hip-Hop - 10

Awesome!  Pure awesome.  The can really caught my eye (as has the style of much of Santa Fe Brewing's beers.)  The availability of cans makes it even better because of the ability to take the beer on the river and have easily recyclable containers.

Total Score - 85

Website: Happy Camper IPA (Santa Fe Brewing Co.)